The South Australia Connections package is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($14.1 million) and the South Australian Government and other partners ($49.3 million). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

The South Australia Connections package includes upgrades to infrastructure that will improve delivery of water for irrigation. It will also create groundwater recharge areas to refill aquifer and groundwater supply.
Project overview
The South Australia Connections package will improve water access to primary producers. Projects include work to:
- upgrade irrigation water delivery to infrastructure
- create groundwater recharge areas to refill aquifer and groundwater supply.
The projects will provide better water for rural and regional Australia that is:
- secure
- affordable
- reliable.
South Australia water infrastructure projects under the Connections package include:
- Barossa Wine Grape Water Source Diversification
- Construction of new infrastructure to supply 800 megalitres of extra water each year to wine producers. This will move water from the new source into an existing water supply system for wine producers.
- Greenway’s Irrigation Trust – Increasing Water Availability, Reliability and Efficiency
- Upgrade the current river pumping station. Project complete, enabling producers to grow higher value crops.
- Improving Water Deliverability and Accessibility in the Lower Murray Reclaimed Irrigation Area
- A pilot project to upgrade infrastructure to ensure continued water access for irrigation.
- Pogona Barbata – Water for High-Tech Horticulture
- Construction of a reverse osmosis plant and water retention and supply system. Project complete with improved water efficiency for high yield and high margin produce.
- Recycled Water Pipeline to Nairne – Stage 1
- Construction of a 1 km pipeline from Mt Barker to Nairne. This will improve access to recycled water for primary producers in the region.
- Regional Recharge Farms
- Creation of groundwater recharge areas refill aquifer and groundwater supply. Project complete, increasing water security and reliability for primary producers.
- Waikerie Irrigated Agricultural Water Access and Security Project
- Construction of wetland and stormwater pipe infrastructure. Project complete with improved water access for primary producers in the region.
These projects expect to deliver:
- up to 60 jobs during construction and will support up to 850 ongoing jobs
- up to 1,220 ML of extra storage capacity
- up to 1,890 ML each year of increased water availability
- up to 1,860 hectares of more irrigable land and up to 90 new customers or properties connected to water supply.
It’s expected construction of the package will be complete in early 2025.
Key project benefits
Learn more
- Find out about national Connections packages.
- Read our latest news.
- Read about how our funding decisions are made.