Map of Northern Territory
Storage improvements
Estimated cost
Project status
in planning

The $327,590,000 project is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($300,590,000) and the Northern Territory Government ($27,000,000). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

Aerial view of Manton Dam with dam wall in foreground and green bushland surrounding the dam.

The project will see Manton return to service for the region. Image credit: Power and Water

Project overview

The project includes returning the Manton Dam to service and preconstruction works for the Adelaide River Off-Stream Water Storage (AROWS) project.

Work to return the Manton Dam to service will involve upgrading existing dam infrastructure and building the first phase of the Strauss Water Treatment Plan and distribution network.

The project will enable an additional 14 gigalitres (GL) of usable water storage capacity and make 7,300 ML per annum available for productive use.

Work on the AROWS project includes an environmental impact assessment, pre-tender concept design, delivery model assessment, and re-confirmation of financial and economic outcomes.

Construction to return Manton Dam to service is expected to commence in mid-2024. 

Key project benefits

Climate change resilience
Increased storage capacity
Water security

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