The project is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($2,000,000) and the Diamantina Shire Council ($2,000,000). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

Cooling pond, Birdsville – Credit: GBA Consulting Engineers
Project overview
The project will invest in new infrastructure to provide a safe and reliable water supply to the community of Birdsville. It will also support the tourism industry, which is a major contributor to the regional economy.
The community source their water supply from the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) through deep artesian bores. Water from the GAB is naturally superheated (greater that 100 degrees Celsius) and needs to be cooled before it can be used.
The existing water infrastructure is outdated and at risk of failure. New infrastructure is needed to ensure that water can be adequately and safely cooled for use by the community and local businesses.
The project involves:
- installing a temporary heat exchanger to mitigate failure of the existing copper pipework
- construction of a new cooling pond
- construction of a new bore
- construction of new heat exchanger and supporting infrastructure.
This project will:
- improve water security for 266 people who live in the Birdsville region, which can increase up to 9000 during peak tourist time
- provide an adequate water supply for local businesses and support the tourism industry and economic growth
- ensure Birdsville can accommodate visitors who attend major events like the Birdsville Races.
Key project benefits
- See the Minister’s project announcement.
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