The project is funded by the Australian Government ($27.8 million) and the Northern Territory Government ($6.5 million). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

Landscape view of old Hermannsburg historic precinct in NT outback Australia. The Hermannsburg Community will benefit from this project.
Project overview
The Better Bores for Communities – Phase 1 package will provide better access to safe and reliable water in 10 NT First Nations communities. This will support the health of these remote communities and improve liveability. Ultimately the projects will support First Nations people to remain living on Country.
This package includes bore drilling or equipping projects in the following Northern Territory communities:
- Atitjere (also known as Harts Range)
- Wugularr (previously known as Beswick)
- Finke (also known as Aputula)
- Gapuwiyak
- Haasts Bluff
- Hermannsburg (also known as Ntaria)
- Robinson River (also known as Mungoorbada)
- Titjikala
- Warruwi
- Yuelamu.
These communities experience water availability, quality and/or reliability issues. These issues have resulted in the communities having a high to extreme risk of water source failure.
The project will bring 7 communities closer to water security by progressing investigations to secure a water supply. This will involve drilling bores and testing water source viability. If the drilled bores are viable, they may be equipped separately in a later phase of works.
Three communities will have previously drilled bores equipped. This includes construction of mains and supporting electrical work to connect the bores to the water supply systems. This will directly result in a more reliable and secure water supply for these communities.