Getting on with building an irrigation scheme for the Don

27 March 2022

The Don Irrigation Scheme in Tasmania has received a funding boost, with construction of the 4,750 megalitre project soon to begin.  

Through the 2022-23 Budget, an additional $13.7 million is being invested in the project, bringing the total Australian Government funding amount to $26.3 million.

The $54.4 million project, jointly funded by the Australian and Tasmanian governments, will construct 2 separate distribution networks to improve water access and security and increase opportunities for farmers in the region.

The scheme will enable the distribution of stored water so it is more readily available when needed, especially during droughts and in response to changing climate patterns.

Once finished, the scheme will facilitate the expansion of agriculture in the region, with the additional water to be used for dairy production, horticulture and other intensive livestock enterprises.

Construction is expected to be finished in late 2023, with the 2023–24 summer set to be the first full water delivery season.